Pre-Natal Listening & Sound Therapy
Prenatal life
Sound is the first sense to develop fully. The foetus’ ear is ready to perceive sound at four and a half months. The baby listens to its mother’s heartbeat, respiration and digestive sounds. Dr. Tomatis believed that the baby can also hear the mother’s voice and becomes familiar with this sound before birth. Tomatis discovered that the first sounds heard in utero are high frequency sounds (above 8,000Hz) due to the development of the embryonic ear.
The effect of Sound Therapy
Dr Tomatis said the sound of the mother’s voice with its familiar tone and rhythm is what provides continuity between the pre-natal and post-natal worlds. The infant is particularly accustomed to the high frequency sounds of the voice as heard in the womb, and therefore has an immediate response of feeling reassured when presented with high frequency sounds filtered to a similar level.
When the mother listens to Sound Therapy during her pregnancy, the benefits which she receives are passed on to the infant.
The effects of listening for the mother are: soothing of her whole system and a stimulation to the cortex of the brain from the high frequency sound. Because of its connection with the tenth cranial (Vagus) nerve, the ear plays a part in nearly everything we feel including heartbeat and breathing or sensations like a tickle in the throat or butterflies in the stomach. The effects of the Sound Therapy are therefore passed through the mother’s whole body and have an influence on the development of the foetus.
How to listen
It is recommended that the mother listens regularly to Sound Therapy throughout her pregnancy. To obtain the full benefits for improved sleep, reduced stress and increased energy, the recommended listening time for an adult is three hours a day. This can be done during other activities however, so does not require the time to be set aside for listening alone.
Effects for the infant
Babies who’s mothers listened to Sound Therapy during pregnancy often show a distinct lack of tension and anxiety as they grow. They have an inner peacefulness about them and are less reactive, making them easy to manage. They feel secure in their relationship with their mother and will go easily to other people. They have a natural appreciation for classical music and can continue to benefit from its healing properties. Studies have also shown that children exposed to classical music before birth are more intelligent. It is also beneficial for these children to listen to Sound Therapy as they grow and this may facilitate their development of communication and language skills.
For more information please refer the book Why Aren’t I learning? by Rafaele Joudry