1 Introduction

Welcome to the Sound Therapy Training for Synergy Consultants.
Please review this section before proceeding to the later topics, as it will guide you in your approach to the training and save you time.
This section covers:
- The aims of the training
- Who the training is for
- How we value your feedback, and the support our company provides
- How to do this training for best results

If you have a lot of background knowledge already, but are limited for time, you can get a quick overview if you follow the fast track. The yellow arrows throughout the training will point you to the fast track. You can always dip back in at a later date if you need more knowledge
However, your aim is to pass all the quizzes so you can be listed on our site, and to do this you will need to study each section.
We hope you enjoy the online Sound Therapy SYNERGY training program as you work through each of the sections at your own pace.
Rafaele and the Sound Therapy team.