11.2 How to Promote the Program
How to Promote the Program
The secret to promoting any program is that you need to try a number of different promotional activities and see which ones work best. Once you know what is working, you simply do more of it.
The methods suggested in this section are the ones that have worked best for our SYNERGY consultants over the years. Follow these suggestions and you will be guaranteed a successful result without too much financial outlay.
Try one suggestion at a time, maybe one a month or one a week and see what results you get. Using the tools, techniques and resources that we provide means that all you have to do is follow the steps, and soon you will find customers are seeking you out.
You will find all the resources you need in the marketing section of the SYNERGY website.
Sound Therapy Sales and resource tools |
Stage | Process | Tools | Actions |
1 | Awareness & Needs assessment | Brochure Info Sheets |
Give brochure and information sheet |
2 | demonstration Research and familiarity |
DVD Research Summary |
Lend DVD Show research results |
3 | Consideration - is it the right fit? | Assessment | Use Assessment form |
4 | Beliefs/objections | Answer questions, read book | Ask for concerns or questions |
5 | Purchase | Consultation, product choice | Recommend Product |
Click the image once for brief notes, click again for detail statement.
Print advertising can be a good way to generate leads but as this costs money, it is important to measure the results. Not all advertising is cost effective. Whenever someone contacts you, ask how they heard of you and keep track of it, so you will know which of your promotional methods are working. Use the ad templates supplied by Sound Therapy international, with the Synergy logo, to create effective ads. Try an ad once to see if it works. If it doesn’t, there is no point repeating it (though the people selling the ads will tell you otherwise.) Make sure you have a good system for following up your leads. Get their details, send them information or book an appointment, then follow up.

Place ads in your best local publications. Present the key benefits in bullet points. Be sure to monitor how many leads your ads produce.

Book – libraries and bookstores
The books are a great tool for promoting Sound Therapy. At least 50% of those who read the book will buy the program. Be sure to put your contact details in several places in the book. Some of our most successful Consultants put 5 different stickers in the book. Donate the book to local libraries, sell it to local bookstores or at market stalls or in your clinic. It will do the rest of the job for you. If clients have already bought the book you can discount it off the program if you wish. Assure people the book is gripping and easy to read and will enable them to make a fully informed decision.

Donate the book to your local libraries and suggest it to local bookstores. Be sure your details are in the back of the book.

Co-operative marketing
There are many opportunities for cooperative marketing if you team up with other businesses who serve a similar client base. By arranging to promote each other’s programs you double your market access. If you give a recommendation to your clients who trust you, that is great promotion for another business, and vice versa. Such arrangements could be made in your local area or with complementary businesses online. Ask yourself, what business would you be happy to promote to your clients, and what business has the data base that you would like to reach? So much business is done this way in America and on the internet, and it is a great system which costs you nothing. Network with others and be creative!

Approach local businesses which have appropriate clientelle to do collaborative marketing with you.

As a Sound Therapy Distributor (called Consultants for professional impact) you are following many years of experience by the company and its Distributors. Using the advice and resources offered by the company will enable you to build a successful Distributorship. These include all of our printed materials, training program and resources made available on the Sound Therapy SYNERGY website. By sure to let your clients know the advantages of buying from you and getting the clinically supported SYNERGY program. It includes: 1. The bonus Gregorian Chants album on the Listening Foundation program 2. The Client Feedback process, where they get personalised follow up from you at regular intervals.

Review and use all the resources offered by Sound Therapy International to support our Distributors (SYNERGY Consultants)

Educational materials
All of our printed materials, brochures, information sheets, books, videos, posters and workbooks are available to you. Rather than reinventing the wheel and creating your own materials we suggest you use the brochures we supply, but take some important steps to personalize them for you. 1. Place your stamp or sticker on every brochure you give out. 2. Or print your own personalised brochures using the template on the SYNERGY website 3. Use our SYNERGY order form template and or DL brochure insert and hand these out with every brochure. 4. In your waiting room, clinic room or in other local clinics or resource centres, have a brochure stand, a display book of information sheets, and posters on the wall.

Use our brochures, info sheets, DVDs, books websites and workbooks to do the education for you.

Festivals and trade shows
All of our printed materials, brochures, information sheets, books, videos, posters and workbooks are available to you. Rather than reinventing the wheel and creating your own materials we suggest you use the brochures we supply, but take some important steps to personalize them for you. 1. Place your stamp or sticker on every brochure you give out. 2. Or print your own personalised brochures using the template on the SYNERGY website 3. Use our SYNERGY order form template and or DL brochure insert and hand these out with every brochure. 4. In your waiting room, clinic room or in other local clinics or resource centres, have a brochure stand, a display book of information sheets, and posters on the wall.

Have a presence at your local festivals and exhibitions. Offer free assessments, collect leads and have the product there for sale

The internet is one of the best marketing platforms to use today. Create your profile on the Sound Therapy SYNERGY website. Add your photo. Share your clients’ testimonials on the Sound Therapy SYENRGY website. Create your own web page on Sound Therapy SYNERGY as part of your own website. Also promote it on your social media platforms and to your email list. Have a blog on your website where you write about Sound Therapy SYNERGY. Do an article on each health condition. Share links to each of your Blog articles on your social media. When your clients have good results, get them to do a quick video and share it on your social media and your website.

Your own website or Social Media platforms can help to build interest in the program.

When you are invited to speak to a community or professional group about Sound Therapy SYNERGY you have an excellent opportunity to present the program and its benefits in detail. You can show a video, present a PowerPoint, tell your story and take questions and answers. Always have a display table with brochures and products for sale. Also pass around a clip board with a sign up sheet to gather hot leads. Invite them to a consultation with you. Offer to speak to groups such as Rotary, Probus, Lions, U3A, Retirement groups and self help groups, groups. Give them a short lecture blurb and a bio about you. Sound Therapy SYNERGY is an interesting topic and most groups will be happy to invite you.

Approach local service clubs, social groups and professional groups to invite you to speak on Sound Therapy.

The media are always looking for a good story. If you have a client with a good result, or you have a good result yourself, invite the media to do a story on it. Contact your local radio stations or newspapers and ask if they would like to cover it. If you are helping people who have been unable to find help in other ways, this is a newsworthy story. Write a press release and send it to your local media, or any media. Follow up by phone, and keep following up until you get an answer. If you are putting on a public talk or workshop, this is also something the media will be interested in, so be sure to let them know.

Contact the media and tell them about your unique solution to a hard-to-treat condition.

Practitioner referrals
This can be one of the best ways to get free, qualified referrals for Sound Therapy SYNERGY. Make a list of practitioners in your local area including doctors, natural therapists and allied health practitioners. Go and visit them and offer them some information on Sound Therapy SYENRGY for their patients. Most will have patients with tinnitus or auditory processing problems who they are unable to help and will be glad of an affordable, accessible and professionally supported program that they can offer. Leave some brochures with your contact details, and of course your personalised inserts. Tip: Do not give the order form until the clients come to see you, as the price may put some people off until they have more information.

Visit local practitioners and ask them to refer to you. Give them information and brochures with your details.

If you are already running workshops on some area of relevant expertise, consider adding in Sound Therapy SYNERGY as an additional offering. It could tie in with topics related to health, education or personal development and performance enhancement. In a Sound Therapy SYNERGY workshop you could give a short talk, show a video, do an Assessment and discuss the results. After they complete the assessment, get people to break into groups based on their results and have small group discussions. This always leads to greater awareness and interest. Or introduce any other processes you see fit to educate attendees about the potential of Sound Therapy.

Offer your own workshops on Sound Therapy SYNERGY if this is part of your skill set..