4.2 Top Ten Questions For Audiologists

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Top ten questions for Audiologists

This section is intended to give a quick overview for audiologists to help with the day to day issues most likely to come up for Sound Therapy clients.

These tips will help any audiologist wanting to offer Sound Therapy or refer patients for Sound Therapy.


It will inform you on:

  1. When to recommend Sound Therapy
  2. How to integrate Sound Therapy and hearing aid use
  3. When to offer Sound Therapy for tinnitus clients
  4. When and how to use Sound Therapy to assist auditory processing
  5. How to address price objections
  6. Treatment period and protocol
  7. Length of daily listening and duration of program
  8. Effectiveness statistics: Clinically recorded results for a range of conditions
  9. How to motivate the client and use the follow up tools provided
  10. Support required from the audiologist